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Anonymous asked in TravelUnited StatesNew York City · 2 months ago

Colleague rides the Acela Express train on weekends, just to travel: weird?

I have a co-worker who lives in Manhattan.  He says that he hadn't left his neighborhood for one year, due to the pandemic.  He used to travel a lot but he is afraid of getting coronavirus on the subway or at an airport.  

So now he just books first-class tickets on the weekend on Amtrak's Acela Express for short trips to neighboring states (which won't require a quarantine when returning).  On a Saturday afternoon, he'll walk down to Penn Station, ride the Acela Express for an hour to Philadelphia, spend 30 minutes in the train station's first-class lounge, and ride back to Manhattan.  He says it's very nice, with free drinks, free food, hot towels, etc.

Is this crazy or cool?


He says the trains are about 1/4 full.

5 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    This is genius.  I'm jealous. 

  • 2 months ago

    He could just buy drinks and food -- much cheaper than First Class Amtrak tickets.

  • 2 months ago

    I had a cousin (RIP) who was so into the air travel business that he would book flights to places just to see the airport and then fly back, he had no interest in visiting the city associated with the airport.  In my opinion that was very weird.

    Imagine flying to Kennedy airport, spending several hours just walking about the airport to see it, then getting back on a plane and flying back to where you came from.  He lived in Portland OR btw.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Crazy. While he may be better able to social distance in first class Acela accommodations, his safety is not a given. There's still a pandemic going on, new infections are still happening, and most of the public has yet to be vaccinated. Are they selling all seats? If so, he'll be within six feet of three people.

    I've been in the Acela lounge in NYC. It was crowded and busy. If it's like that now, it's another place he cannot be safe.

    If he's itching for a change of scenery, he'd be substantially safer driving, with a picnic lunch he's packed, stopping only as restroom needs require and taking precautions at that time.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    If safety protocols are followed and it helps keep him sane, I say more power to him.

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