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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceQuotations · 2 months ago

Are white poeple really going to be extinct by 2050? ?

I don't understand how that makes sense? My sister just had a baby? Where is that number from?


I didn't mean to misspell peopl, I'm just upset by what I read about everyone saying white people will be gone by 2050 and they are saying it's a good thing and it really scares me

32 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    Well, we are now in the process of wiping out most of the wildlife by screwing up the planet, and at present there are regions of the earth where any life form  can never exist due to  mankind total cock-up.

    Whilst mankind may have the ability to perform these huge  experiments, that does not mean  that  his ability is in any way an indication of any intelligence.

    Any halfwit with a petulant delusion of self grandeur could  be tempted to 'press the destruct' button which would terminate most of the human race instantly. This would vaporise you instantly, leaving only a greasy male where you were standing, and an unpleasant smell which happily would quickly disappear. 

    Those on the periphery  of the blast could survive , but this would certainly NOT be their lucky day.

    It is hoped that the next life form that inherits this planet will have a few more brains that the present inhabitants  seem to have.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    No there will be civil war in Europe before that happens

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Ridiculous question -- and the answer is no -- that has nothing to do with "Quotations."

  • 1 month ago

    No.  But all countries with white populations are having negative population growth.  Another oddity is black population in USA.  Blacks were 16 % of the population in 1965.  Now blacks are less than 10 % of the population.

  • dybydx
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    White people will no longer represent over 50% of the American population by 2043.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    I hope so.  The four years of DJT really made me give up on white people (and orange people too).

  • Herve
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    No that's rubbish. Even ginger people aren't going extinct - another lie peddled by those who don't understand genetics.

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    I would love to see the source for your statement.

  • 1 month ago

    The Gibson and Jung polling company publishes population statistics, and they forecast that by 2050 the white race will be a minority in the U.S.  

    This is probably due to more and more nonwhites becoming citizens and their descendants remaining in the U.S. and having families of their own.  It is also due to the growing number of inter-racial marriages producing bi-racial children.

    Note that they say that by 2050 whites in the U.S. will become a statistical minority, not that they will disappear then.  However, the numbers are headed that way in the future.  The poll also doesn't take into account whites in other countries throughout the world.

  • 2 months ago

    That number is from the fact that you don't read anything more than headlines, and thus, are spreading garbage instead of an educated response. If you had read the whole article rather than the alarmist headline, you would have seen that it is saying that the numbers of white, non-hispanic people in the US is now less than the number of non-white people, according to the latest sensus. 

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