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My friend had such a bad allergic reaction to the first Pfizer shot she needed to be hospitalized. Anyone else have this experience?
7 Answers
- ?Lv 74 weeks ago
Yes, a few people have had that reaction. I did some reading on it before I got my shots, because I have had an anaphylactic reaction before. I told them that when I got the shot, and they asked me to stay for 30 minutes instead of the 15 they tell everyone else. They have you wait 15 minutes to make sure you're not having a reaction. Most reactions can be handled with benedryl- in the form of an epipen, often. In the tests of the vaccines, a very few people had a reaction, and needed treatment. I was in the hospital for my reaction to a wasp sting. It happens. But it's still better than having COVID.
- roderick_youngLv 71 month ago
I don't know anyone personally who had such a reaction, although I'm sure it does.
Some people react terribly to bee stings, too, but I just don't personally know of any.
I'm not sure what happens with the 2nd shot if someone has a strong reaction to the 1st. I presume they either don't do it, or watch the person more carefully or for a longer itme, with antihistamines or epinephine, or whatever they use ready.
- Anonymous1 month ago
I haven't took it yet because i have really bad allergies and scared to take it.
- Anonymous1 month ago
Nope. She must’ve been allergic to something in the shot. It’s really strange that they don’t list the ingredients in the shots. When I got the flu shot, it asked if I were allergic to eggs and latex. Covid just asked if I were allergic to any ingredients in the shot billy it lists nothing.