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I had a dream about flying bicycles and invisible ink. What do they mean?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 month ago

    You want to ride naked and invisible because the freedom thing whatever. But you want to hide part of you. That'll be $500.

  • 1 month ago

    It means you have accessed the child within your own mind, or being.  That's a good thing.  BTW there is such a thing as invisible ink.  But so far, I have not heard of flying bicycles. Both are a sign of magic, so you believe in magic, and have the soul of a child, who is mesmerized by such musings!

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    you need to go out and exercise or else you'll be an out of shape nobody

  • 1 month ago

    In order to help, please share some more details. Were you riding the flying bicycle or did you see other riding them? Were you wringing with invisible ink or received something that used invisible ink? 

    If you were using invisible ink, it would suggest that you are amazing but people are not hearing you or seeing you. 

    If you were riding a flying bicycle, it would suggest that you think differently - non traditional. You approach life differently. All of this suggest that you are a most amazing person with a lot to share.

    Please do not worry if people do not see, hear or understand you. Live your life as you see the best, with honesty and integrity, first to yourself and then to others. Create. If it is not appreciated at the moment - do not be too concerned about the blindness of others. If only one person gets it, then its worth it. People that are ahead of their time are misunderstood. The time will come when your work will be understood and appreciated.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    It might mean to think not only about what you want or what other people have but what you have to do to get there or what other people have to do to get what they have 

  • @Truth seeker, nah I'm no secretive. The flying bicycle came first then the invisible ink

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    You are a very secretive person and one of these days intend to fly away from your current associates and friends. 

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