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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationSafety · 1 month ago

Why can't females backup properly in their vehicles?

They can't do a proper 90 degree parking backing up, they can't parallel park and they can't just park backing up normally? Many have had their license for decades too. 


What is wrong with them, and why can't they do a simple task like reversing a car, and how the heck did they get their driver's license? 

Update 2:

I have never one female who can park properly while reversing. 

6 Answers

  • Jay P
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    LOL  Coffee Drinker has the best answer by far.

    Too bad Yahoo trolls don't bother picking best answers...

  • 1 month ago

    They're probably distracted when they see you watching them and the sudden urge to vomit at your hideous visage overtakes them. It's hard to park when you're holding back a brown tsunami in your mouth.

    Source(s): Maybe shave or something
  • Anon
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Sez a cowardly Anon,  Afraid your Wife might see this?

    I have met dames who can back a 700 # Heritage Softail with  their legs, only. 

        "shave"? No. Cover up that atrocious visage...

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    My wife backs up better than me.  I can"t park backing up to save my life.  So your premise is FALSE and you are just TROLLING.

  • 1 month ago

    If you think it's only women who have problems with this stuff, you haven't been paying attention. When my clients come to my house, 4 out of 5 don't know how to drive into the parking spot so they are positioned to easily drive out of it and they don't do it differently even after it's been explained to them. And the men are just as bad at it as the women.

    I am female and never have any problem backing up or parking. I have been told that here in Canada, in many cases, you don't need to know how to back up or park to get a driver's licence. They don't make you do it as part of the driving test. That might explain why some people don't know how.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Because the rear view mirror is adjusted to check the hair or makeup.

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