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Anonymous asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 month ago

What hurts worse a cat bite or a rabbit bite?


In other words which animal’s bite brings more pain to a human

Update 2:

I’ve had a cat bite before, but not a rabbit bite. Would a rabbit bite be like a human bite as far as feeling like back molars of human teeth?

6 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends on where the bite is, and whether it gets infected.

    A cat bite is more likely to get infected.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    deffo cat , i have both have u seen how sharp cats teeth are????

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    A cat's, but I'd rather get bit by a cat than scratched, 'cos getting scratched bloody hurts! 

  • 1 month ago

    i have a rabbit but id say cat

  • A rabbit's bite is worse. I wouldn't say they're nessesarily more powerful than a cat or anything like that, but rabbits seem to be less inhibited when it comes to biting? I guess because they're prey animals and a lot of them are not properly handled/socialized before you get them.

    Their teeth are very sharp (not at all like a human molar) and if they're pissed off enough, they can and will draw blood. It HURTS and I'd say it's more painful than what most non-feral cats will do to you, but I might be biased - I've never had an aggressive/grouchy/fearful cat but I have had an ornery rabbit lol.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Rabbit has flat blade like teeth and cat have pointed needle like. Cat bite has more chance of getting infected. Rabbit bite will heal faster as shallow wound, cat bite are deeper

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