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Is it really illegal if you take someone else's drink and...?
Is it really considered drugging someone if you took their drink and they angrily left, then they come back and angrily drink their drink in front of you to piss you off, and you spiked it while they were gone? I feel that if they inflicted it onto themselves, it's not your fault since they acted on impulse.
Also if you poison someone's drink in the same manner and they drink it in the same manner, it's not murder if they die, it's suicide.
8 Answers
- Anonymous1 month agoFavorite Answer
And this was pretty much the same line of reasoning of Javier Bardem's character in No Country for Old Men. And those who say going to hell is a choice.
- SlickterpLv 71 month ago
That is really drugging someone, yes. If you put poison in someone's drink and they die, that is murder. You are absolutely incorrect on both counts.
- Anonymous1 month ago
This is stupid, foolish and painful. The first woman to die (about 15 years ago) from a "date rape spiked drink" was my neighbor's daughter.
You are foolish and reckless. How you feel is immaterial, by the way . No one cares.