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Anonymous asked in SportsBoxing · 4 weeks ago

I think George Floyd died from HEALTH ISSUES?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    The then cop / now former cop who knelt on Floyd is facing a criminal trial. In a criminal trial in the United States, only the jury can decide what the facts are. But, they have to apply a "reasonable doubt" standard. They will decide if they can reasonably conclude that Floyd died from health issues unrelated to his treatment by the accused cop. If they can, the cop will be acquitted. Otherwise, they may convict the cop.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Floyd, was high on some sheit and I think he had some on him as well, and he would not cooperate with the police.  He would not get out of his car, so he was taken down.  His girl friend already said that he was a drug user and she is too. The medical report came in on Floyd that he was in bad shape and high on drugs when the police stopped him.

  • Mier
    Lv 5
    4 weeks ago

    I couldn’t care less about George Floyd. He was a thug.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    So you think it was just a coincidence that he was perfectly fine until he had a grown man kneeling on his neck for almost 10 minutes? He certainly didn’t appear to be dying until then. When a person in police custody is in medical distress, the appropriate action to take is NOT to kneel on his neck. 

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