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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleMakeup · 3 weeks ago

Dried up mascara?

I bought a mascara set (eight very nice brands!) through a cosmetic store chain. I opened one mascara and it was dry. I added a few drops of water, but it was still dried up! I opened a second, third, fourth... all dried up. This was a Christmas gift for 2020. --In March, this company "Chat Rep" said I should have opened all of them when I got the set!! I did not think this was sound advice at all. -- I've bought this promo set twice in the past and never had one problem with any mascaras being "dry." -- The chain refuses to so much as providing store credit for a defective product. - Any advice? 

4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    use some rubbing alcohol or hair oil ...

  • 3 weeks ago

    go talk to the place where you got it from

  • 3 weeks ago

    I don't know any store that offers refunds past 30 days.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Sorry - nothing you can do at this point.  

    It is not unreasonable of the company to not guarantee the quality of a product that is more than a year old.  

    If stored correctly, completely unopened, in a COOL and DRY location, most make-ups will hold up for about two to three years - but a company does NOT have to guarantee that it WILL hold up for that long.

    At this point - YOU can't prove that YOU didn't open it and then just let it dry out.   (I know you probably didn't and that you are most likely honest - but from the company's point of view, too many dishonest people probably try to take advantage of "free product" by making unreasonable claims - to them - this just seems like another unreasonable claim.)

    Most companies do have a limit to how long they will accept the return of "faulty" merchandise or give any kind of credit for that faulty item.  The typical time frame is 30 to 90 days depending on the company and the exact product.  

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