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What characteristics will you look for when choosing a new paranormal forum?

For me, I would like a closer monitor of paedophiles using the site for a start. Also, I would like to see people who have no belief in the paranormal, thrown off the site immediatelly. After all, if they don't believe, then their only reason for being here is, they enjoy mischief. Any fool can say "no, you didn't" or "it never happened" People such as Sol and her familiar should go for a start. That would prevent them from hitting the report button on anyone who gives them away. I caught Furious Unicorn (Sol) grooming children on here. That is a fact. I saw her laugh and mock children who came here hoping for a little solace because they lost their parents. That is a fact. I hope that other witnesses come forward but they chased most away. You should be able to discuss paranormal on a paranormal site without interference from Laurel and Hardy. Gary K should be allowed because when he tries to talk like an adult it's hilarious and every site should have a clown to make people feel better about themselves.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    I want one with big prizes.🎁💰

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Just let me know where you go, EG, so I can continue to destroy all of your bad arguments, logical fallacies, and science fails. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    incorrect. I don't know why this is here as it is also on the site where I put it. Most paedophiles are pointers like you "it was him". Having a name like Everard may be the reason for your behaviour. My best advice is to change your name. If you can't afford it, smack your mother right in the mouth for that for that dirty trick.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    R&S is a Q&A forum where anyone can ask questions about R&S

    And, anyone can answer them.


    Your obsession with pedophiles strongly suggests you're one of them.

    I'm sure the FBI have your number.

    They won't be just knocking.


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