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About oystar card?

I'm in London to study abroad.

I want to make +18 students oystar photocard. I want to ask about it.

If I make it, how can I pay bus fee?

there is zone by bus or all bus is free?

If I make card zone 1-2 and I will go zone3,

can I use top-up function or I have to make another card?

I will in London for 8month. So I want to pay

each month and continue 8month.

If it case, I have to apply the card each month or I just pay each month and I can use same card?

If I can use same card, it will be paid automatically or I will pay in online my self?

Thank you for reading my poor English

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    All your questions can be answered on the official Transport for London (TfL) oyster card page:  

    There is a lot to read, so take your time to explore the links.  

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