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Laura asked in HealthMental Health · 2 weeks ago

I can’t get myself out of the house?

I really can’t force myself out the house, I’m 24 with a 4 year old, and I can’t even leave the house to drop my child off to school so his grandad (my dad) takes him, I really can’t force myself to go anywhere even if I have my dad or sister go with me I just can’t do it, I try to concentrate on getting myself ready but then when it comes to clothes I start panicking, I’ve put on so much weight because I can’t leave the house, I look so fat I’m now coming up to my heaviest weight which is 13 stone and my stomach is literally the size of what I was when I was pregnant, I struggle to lose weight because after having my child I lost interest in everything and don’t have any motivation, like I’ll get it for less then a week it only happens like once a year, 4 years of trying to get it back and I can’t seem to do it, I start my course this

Wednesday and I’m panicking about it because like I said I struggle to find anything to wear because of the amount of weight I put on. What should I do? I have A psychologist that I’m working with (nothing is working) counselling doesn’t work either, I’m on antidepressants made me less depressed but still hasn’t changed the fact I can’t and won’t leave the house. I dont really know what I’m asking for, I suppose what should I do? Or how to cope? Or that I’m not the only one that feels this way. I do not enjoy life in the slightest my best friend is too busy for me with work life and can’t make new ones


It’s like I’m happy staying in the house, I have no interest in the outside world, but I’m also getting depressed because I have only 1 friend which I don’t even get to see often, I struggle to make friends, people like the thought of being friends but then lose interest 

Update 2:

To the dude that said I have no goals, I actually have many but obviously have to drop them for my child 

5 Answers

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stand outside your front door with door open.

    Next day do the same with the door closed.

    Next day walk 2 steps down the path and so on.

    If you don't scream, cry and wet your knickers and ,an airplane does not drop on your head, then there is no reason to stay indoors is there?

  • 1 week ago

    We can all sit in here and blab about advice but you need to get help on your own.  You obviously have no goals in life and that means you are living without faith, not faith as in "religion" but just faith in general, like even in seeing the next day. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    I can give you some advice for the fear of going outdoors and maybe it will help, but what you seem to be talking about is lack of motivation from depression. What I often say to people who complain of depression is this - 

    If you could win a prize by hitting a target with an arrow and the arrows were free, what would you say to someone who asked you, "How many arrows do you want?" You wouldn't say, "Which is the best one?" You'd say, "How many can I have?" I'll tell you about some arrows and you can discuss them with your therapist.

    I can't tell you exactly what you need. There's no one size fits all solution. I can tell you though that there are healthy lifestyle choices that can enhance the effects of the standard treatments with office visits. You're welcome to click on my name and read. Video, below - details about self-help based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and lifestyle choices that help with depression - nutrition, basic lifestyle things like sleep, exercise, and social support, also traditional Asian methods.

    Basically, therapy for phobias, explained in The Feeling Good Handbook by psychiatrist David Burns, is making a list of situations, ranking them according to how scary you find them, and using that ranked list as your objectives. Imagining a situation can be an objective. Start with something really, really easy.

    The thing to remember is never go from objective A to objective B until you feel completely confident with A. Things that give you confidence are experience and slow breathing. There's enormous laboratory and clinical evidence that slow breathing is effective for calming people down quickly.

    Two psychiatrists, Brown and Gerbarg, say a 10 or 20 min slow breathing exercise - 5 breaths a min - is good and 20 min twice a day is a therapy for anxiety. The exercise is inhale and exhale gently, 6 seconds each. This breathing thing is good for stress, and whatever is good for stress is good for depression -especially as preventative medicine.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Keep taking all your meds and going to therapy.  Talk to your doctor about different medications.

    Go to youtube and search for "mindfulness".  It's too hard to explain here.

    Listen to music.  Music might be the best therapy for anxiety/depression.

    Join an online support group.  There are millions if people having the same types of problems you have.  Or find an in person group.  Your therapist probably know of one.

    Buy some new cloth that fit better.  It doesn't have to mean defeat.  Your not giving up on weight loss, your just trying to feel better.

    For weight loss, small changes work best.  Start with drinking less soda and sugary drinks and drink more water.  Cut out french fries and potato chips, because those are the worse.  And eat some vegetables.  Frozen vegetables are easy to fix.

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