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Any good sites on the paranormal, psychics, or esoteric stuff?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    If you live happy and healthy, stay away from the esoteric mediumistic, there are spirits of demons out there.

  • 1 week ago

    You can watch episodes of Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers on YouTube. Clarke was a scientist and an interested skeptic. He gives you the pros and cons of a question. 

    The word "psychic" is often used for people who make money off of their supposed psychic abilities. Asking for money implies that they are reliable, which means that they are phony. The parapsychologists who believe in the existence of psi agree that the best psychics are unreliable. 

    Most scientists say that they are not convinced that ESP exists. The crux of the matter is a lack of replications of studies published in influential journals. "We have replications," say the parapsychologists, "but the snobs won't publish them." An interesting comment from Chris French of the Univ. of London  - it's hard to get any kind of replication published, and the idea you were taught in high school, that science depends on replications, is a myth.

  • KennyB
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    IMO, no.       

  • 1 week ago

    you might be able to find some online

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