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Why is there no P for pansexual in the LGBT acronym?

9 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    Pansexuality is the same as bisexuality. Sexuality is about the sex you’re attracted to. Both are attracted to both sexes.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Pansexuals aren't real.

  • 1 week ago

    "Pansexual" is only subtly different from "Bisexual". Both are words applied to multi-gender attracted people. And for a while they wanted to add "P" for "Pansexual" to the acronym to make it "LGBTP" (for pansexual). If you search the internet you can still find LGBTP applied in this way.

    But more commonly you will find it listed as "Pedosexual". Someone saw the letter "P" and came up with "pedosexual". Many people believe that right wing homophobic people were responsible. Maybe they were just trying to stir up hate against LGBT people. Maybe they genuinely believed in a "slippery slope" argument. Or maybe it was a paedophile trying to argue that child sex was OK.

    So the "P" was dropped, and pansexuals reluctantly agreed to be a subcategory of "B" for bisexual. LGBT people only want sex to happen between consenting adults.

    If you follow the link you will see an explanation by the LGBT foundation:

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    There is no such thing as Pansexual just like all this LGBT 


  • 1 week ago

    I've seen one that's meant to stand for Pan but it can be confused for paedo so it's best left out.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    There is. The full acronym includes it but nobody wants to right out LGBTQQIAAP2 or whatever it is every time so we shorten it. I personally go with LGBT+. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Human sexuality is infinite in its variety. Maybe it should be "LGBTQE" ("E" for "et cetera" or "et al"). 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    The lgbt acronym has been around for decades. But all the other recent letters to the alphabet really only started to be used for the past 10 maybe 15 years or so. And when this board was created - back in the 00’s - the other letters in the alphabet really were not that much used. And since this site is closing within days don’t expect any changes to come around. 

    Frankly there are many of us - me included -  that wish we could get one universal word and get rid of the alphabet soup. I could live with the pride group, pink community, queer community, rainbow community even lgbt+! But more categories seem to be created every year and frankly I’m sick of it. But I don’t get to call the shots - I’m just a nobody level 7 on a site that is about to shut down.

    See you on Reddit.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    LGBT is a truncated version of the community's much longer full name:












    This often shortened to LGBT+

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