Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
How has Yahoo Answers impacted your life?
34 Answers
- Anonymous1 week ago
testing. cant post question but can I post answer
- Jedi JanLv 71 week ago
Yahoo Answers was a fun, supportive community. It used to be an interesting source of amusement and information back in the old days, but I lost interest due to trollfest behaviour impermeating the site. Only returned recently upon hearing it was closing down. Unfortunately nasty old trolls are still lurking about, even the one that insists I am some guy from Italy 😳😒🥱... I am female from Southern Australia.
I guess I shall have to go back to my fish slapping dance now:
- Anonymous1 week ago
Learnt a lot of new stuff, some useful. Some just interesting.
It was at times interspersed with levity. So not all doom and gloom. But fun!
- Sandra S.Lv 71 week ago
Yes, as a member of Yahoo Answers since 2006, it has impacted my life in a good, positive way. I enjoy helping those in need of answers. Along with sharing my opinion with reasonable people. Many here have good intentions. I pay no attention to the annoying trolls, they're just a waste of time. Life works best when you pick your battles. Definitely, helping others will always be a great past time for me. I always had full control of what to avoid and what to indulge in. I will miss Yahoo Answers. A thank you to all my special people, you know who you are. All the best.
(I participate in other Q&A sites too, and will continue to do so).
- robert2020Lv 71 week ago
It was relaxing and fun, before the trolls took over. But even with trolling, it's still alright. Many other sites are to serious. And any joking around is forbidden as trolling..
- Mr. WizardLv 71 week ago
I've had the honor of helping MANY people via Yahoo Answers--and having met one person my help benefitted and made their life better!
Having been mentioned favorably on TWO major network TV late-night talk shows was a wildly unforgettable experience.
That was back when Yahoo Answers carried GENUINE RESPECT; something it's sadly lost, courtesy of today's Socialist political dynamics.
- Prince RobLv 71 week ago
It enabled me to prove my intelligence by reaching Level 7 within 6 months and with 95% best answers!