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What kind of lettuce is this?

Last year I bought a "bag of lettuce" that had four varities of various lettuce  growing in the bag all summer long. This one head of lettuce, as pictured, made it through a New England winter and is thriving. I have no idea what it's name is, do you? I used the " Plant Snap" app and it said it was a some sort of mum, which I know it is not.

Attachment image

5 Answers

  • Ben
    Lv 5
    1 week ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's not lettuce, it's kale, which is related to cabbages. It's very winter hardy.

    It's too tough to eat raw, but is tasty steamed or boiled. 

  • 1 week ago

    Kale. It winters over very nicely. Take a bite. Kale is tough when raw, but you can cook it, or there are salads where you massage it with oil (I am not making this up!)

  • 1 week ago

    That looks a lot like ornamental kale which is hardy in the winter.

  • 1 week ago

    I don't know what kind it is but if I did want to know, I'd google 'lettuce varieties frilly leaf'. Doing that brought this website:


    If you can't find it among 29 varieties--who knew there were that many kinds of lettuce? then you've got something really really unusual. Seed catalogues might be a place to look too.

  • 1 week ago

    This isn't something I'm real good at, but possibly oakleaf lettuce?

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