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Anonymous asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 1 week ago

Do you miss the big Sunday newspapers?

They were really something. Page after page of news, editorials, comics, advertising, classified ads, etc. It might take an hour or two to work your way though all of it. The whole family would relax together on Sunday morning reading the paper. If you never experienced it, you don't know what you missed.


Newspapers had no choice but to stop making the big Sunday editions due to losing ad revenue to the Internet.

3 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    It used to take all day to read them, and then there were sections all over the house at the end of the day. In England I read the Sunday Times, and in New York I read the New York Times. Both papers were huge. 

    Now I read a lot of different world news online but I do miss the different sections and all the in-depth news. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Did they quit making them? But then, I would be the one to ask is TV still broadcast for free? $1 for a Sunday paper never appealed to me...

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