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Is it too late for me?

For those who don’t know my back story, read it here:

I fear the end is near. The Organization has traced my whereabouts to 250 sq. miles. It might be too late for me, but maybe not you. The Organization has hi tech that alters the wether.

 We really do have more extreme weather from climate chang. But The Organization has actually landed on the sun. They have distorted the sun’s inner core with with the Trevor-Dana X546T Y345. In laymens’ terms: a death ray! That means death for you in 10 years!

Please get the word out. Contact my contact Mister Grey immediately!!!!!!

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 week ago

    what a pathetic pos you are imitating clown crusher.

    You are a fuckingliar that should be shot on site.

  • 1 week ago

    Jesus christ man u r stuped

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