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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 week ago

I always considered my friend to be a kind and caring person so why is he ending our friendship over something so petty ?

We are both single and attractive people in our 30’s. Im 

recently single after being married for 7 years and I thought I would become friends with benefits with this guy in an attempt to detach from my ex husband. Also I want more sexual experience since I’ve only ever had my husband as my sex partner. Im not looking for a relationship and he’s not looking for one either. But he said the next woman he gets with he wants to be his wife. I’ve known him for a very long time I mean since we were 19. We had dated casually back in college nothing serious though. He was talking about how we both have grown and matured since then. So we agreed to just satisfy each other sexually since we are both single. He was very respectful towards me during sex and asked me what I felt comfortable doing and he told me I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t feel comfortable with. He was asking me what sorts of things Turn me on the most. When we go to do the act I discover his package is tiny he can’t even put it in me it’s that small. didn’t expect to him to have a tiny package. So I said don’t we don’t have to have sex because it’s not going to work out if he can’t even put it in. He said we can try a different position and I was like I don’t think any poSition is gonna work. I told him I needed to be honest with him and I don’t want to hurt his feelings but he is very small.. I mean the size of my thumb. I’ve never experienced that before my ex husband was 10 inches and I was caught off guard. 


So he gets mad and 

says “ you won’t even give me a chance. We can do another position I’m used to my feelings being hurt don’t worry about it. Just be. Blesssd”

Update 2:

Then he told me deleted all the sexual pictures I sent him. Why is he acting like a jerk all of a sudden . I was being honest... he is tiny.. he can’t fit in me without falling out.. how else can I say it

Update 3:

He said that I’m going to go and tell all my friends that he is tiny... that is so not true.. 

4 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    Obviously he feels rather insulted. If he is thirty, he obviously knows the problem - and the truth hurts! It could be that due to the circumstances he was unable to achieve a complete erection. Lesbians seem to manage!

    Sex might be fun obviously, as are drink and drugs no doubt, but outside of a strong and well established relationship it can turn out to be disastrous. Not only can pregnancy and STDs result, but sexual intercourse can often be emotionally bonding (especially if regular or frequent), and when the strong friendship, mutual values and interests etc. are not in place this can prove emotionally confusing. Just read some of the questions here, or watch some of the daytime t.v. shows with very unhappy people who have had sex too soon and/or with the wrong person. It can also cost a girl her self respect and the respect of others (including future boyfriends).

    Good Luck!

  • 1 week ago

    You insult his manhood and think its petty of him to call off the friendship? I can see his point of view. I wonder how you'd feel if he said you "were a lousy lay, but can we still be friends"? 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Because no one wants a troll for a friend. No one. That's why trolls like you don't have any friends, trollboy.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    He sees you - as we all do - VERY clearly for who and what you are.  He has realized he can do so much better.

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