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Anonymous asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 week ago

I want to go off birth control but my skin breaks out?

I’ve had bad skin for 10 years. Birth control makes me angry no matter what brand. I feel so much better off it but when I go off my skin breaks out causing me to go back on. What do I do?

1 Answer

  • PR
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Try cutting out sugary things, wheat products, and caffeine. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as protein. At first, your skin may be bad, but it should eventually settle down. Your skin is like a filter and it must get rid of toxins from your diet. Take in less toxins and you will have less going out through your skin. 

    Try drinking more water, as well. 

    Look up: Natural ways to clear acne. Sometimes getting a bit of sun will also help.

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