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Has anyone ever tried to accurately calculate what small percentage of R&S questions were reasonable and sincere?

What would this section look like if there were real moderators?  I once reported a question with ASCII art of genitals and a day later it was still posted.  (At least they eventually figured out how to filter those out.)

6 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually about 2 months ago I did.

    Just over a 20 hour period out of 131 questions on R&S.


    It rounded out to about 9% genuine questions.

    Tonight it would be <1%


  • Well, in the long ago it wasn't so bad.  Then everything turned PURPLE.

    Happy Trails, Eddie J.


  • 1 week ago

    At one time, I supported a moderate amount of trolling because there'd be no activity without it.  Sincere questions...15%  Good questions...don't hold your breath.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 week ago

    Back in the olden days pre-2010 it was well over 90%

    Now, it'd be lucky to be 1%.


  • I cannot say. Even in 2012, this site was crawling with trolls. However, in those days, they were "fun" trolls.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I doubt it. That would be a considerable task given how many troll questions one would have to wade through.

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