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Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Chemistry MBA with concentration in Finance and Accounting Work as a financial advisor with a major Wall Street firm Periodically teach Investment Finance at local state university Worked as the manager of a high-end camera store for 9 years.

  • Do I tip the valet who parks my car?

    When I leave my car with a valet, do I tip him then, or do I tip the guy who brings my car to me later? If I tip them both, do I tip them the same, or do I "reward" the guy who brings the car back safely?

    Normally, a tip is given after receiving good service, but if I'm alone in not tipping the guy who parks it, I don't want to get my fenders dented.

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • iPhone Apps: AP Mobile News Crashes

    The AP Mobile News app (the icon is a hat) worked fine until I updated it to v1.1. Now every time I try to use it, it starts up, then reverts to my main screen. Sometimes, it even causes my iPhone to crash and restart.

    Anyone else have this problem? Or, even better, does anyone know of a solution?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago