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im a good answerer at youtube questions i get on it almost everyday!


    Okay so my friend and I seem to remember only parts of this movie but cannot remember the title or the entire plot or if the main character was a guy or a girl all we can remember is this

    The protagonist's father was a sperm donor

    The protagonist's mother lied to the protagonist their entire life telling them that their father died

    The protagonist had a photo of a man that the mother claimed to be the protagonist's father

    The protagonist somehow found out the man wasn't their father (I think) and demanded to know who their real father was

    When the protagonist confronted the mother about it, expecting a name of a man, the protagonist's mother told them a number and then explained that she never met the father (I think) and that she was artificially inseminated

    It has been haunting us for a few days now and we tried googling everything possible to try to get us to find the title of the movie and we aren't even sure if it was a movie for all we know it could've been an episode from a tv show or a youtube video?? idk, we also can't remember if we watched it together or on our own but we do remember what I listed above so please help lol

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Scene endings? What defines the ending of a scene?

    I'm writing a script for a short film but there's a part that I don't know whether to keep it with Scene 4 or make it a separate scene although it's very short (I'm aware length of a scene can range from even just a second that's not my question)

    I currently have scene 4 fading to black and then Scene 5 just cutting to the clip however what I have so far as Scene 5 is the exact location of Scene 4, the only reason I have it fade to black is because the character in the scene goes to sleep and then in scene 5 she wakes up (it's the same day by the way just a few hours apart)

    So my question: Should I make what is currently scene 5 just the ending to scene 4 since its short and in the same location the only exception is that the time is a few hours apart since she woke up from a nap or should I make it its own scene?

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • I need a good name for a chihuahua?

    he's a boy (its better if its a spanish name)

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where can I get codes for build a bear?

    I need codes but my main problem is that I have a build a bear but it does not have a web code and I read on this blog that it should and I should get a prize.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago