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Good new Job... but I hate where I live.. should I start thinking about moving?

So after being out of work for a month I landed a great new position in the Irvine area. New job is great... but the new commute stinks. it wouldn't be all that bad if I liked Southern California.... but I don't. in the last 2 years I have come to hate this place... I mean really, truly loath it. I want to move to a less crowed area with nicer people (less traffic would also be a plus)... only trouble is all my family/friends are here. So should I just save up some money and just leave? or should I try to stick it out another year or two and then see how things have changed ?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm currently facing a similar situation. I moved to Chicago for a great job opportunity, but it turned out that I hate the city. I had visited a few times and loved it, but it's much different living here and the area has lost it's luster for me. I figure that since I love my job and it is an amazing opportunity and great experience I can suffer through for a year or two so my resume will look good. the job is really the only thing keeping me here. I have no family and only a few friends here except for my boyfriend of 5 years. That's where our situations are different. I think if you like your job you should consider your resume and the experience you are getting there. If it is worth staying to make your job experience look better and to give you great new skills then stick with it for a while. If it's not worth it to you, then start looking for jobs in other areas that you might like to live. Don't keep yourself unhappy for no reason at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Move to Irvine. You are paying at least 30 cents per mile to commute, Considering the time and money you will save not commuting, you should be able to afford $500 more in rent in Irvine. Irvine will seem a lot nicer and friendlier the farther away from the 405 you are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    move now why would u stay unhappy

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