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CM question, ovulation question?

Okay, I'm a bit confused... on Tuesday, I tested with an OPK and it was almost the same as the test line (so I counted it as still negative). On Wed. (yesterday), I went to the restroom and had a TON of white (sort of creamy and watery cm) AND EWCM that stretched about 3". Probably the best ewcm I have ever had since charting for 7 months. But it was white AND somewhat clear?? I also got a positive opk last night so we baby danced.

My temps have been 97.2 for the last 5 days, this morning it went down to 96.8 and my cm seems to be dry/slightly damp.

I know your temp is suppose to go up after ovulation...but mine went down today. My CM has dried but I know you're suppose to ovulate 24 hours after an opk test. So technically, shouldn't I have ewcm today? Or can you be ovulating when you get a positive opk and ewcm?

I am waiting the next few days to see what my temps do as well.

Hope this isn't confusing....I'd appreciate your thoughts..and good luck to everyone ttc!


I also had ovulation pains yesterday (which I get every month) but no pain today.

Update 2:

We've been BD'ing every other day this week, we just also happened to do it last night.

Not asking if I am pregnant, just wondering about my fertile signs for ovulation. :)

4 Answers

  • Jenny
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My temps would frequently dip down then sky rocket the following day. See what your temp is tomorrow :-) I would also typically have ewcm the day BEFORE ovulation, and it would dry up rather quickly after that...

    Keep having intercourse until your temp goes up and stays up for 3 days.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My temps often dip the day before I ovulate. Also, I ALWAYS have ovulatory pain exactly two days before I ovulate. Not sure what that timing is all about, maybe the follicle getting ready to burst is the painful part? And I typically have my most fertile CM a couple days before ovulation, as weird as that sounds (actually, it doesn't sound weird now that I think about it because we know sperm lives 3-5 days in the fertile CM so wouldn't it make sense that the most stringy, egg-white stuff is a couple days before ovulation? I just now understood that!). I don't use OPKs, just temping and baby dancing based on what my cycle does each month (I'm pretty regular--all except for the blasted short luteal phase--so it's pretty easy to know when to time sex. I would say you're in the zone so continue to dance each night until after your temp goes up (my guess is that will happen the day after tomorrow which means you ovulate tomorrow) and good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you're ovulating today. You got the positive yesterday, had ovulatory pain yesterday (which is likely the follicles swelling and preparing for release), you had EWCM yesterday (oftentimes women ovulate the day they dry up- there's still enough inside the cervix, though), and you are having what could be an ovulation dip. I bet your temps rise either tomorrow morning or the next day. Good luck and lots of baby dust!!!

  • i had a positive for 3 days this month. Hope it was'nt you last chance. Hopefully the th BD last night was enough.

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