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rodolfo l asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

What can you say to a person who is always making dirty jokes?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    tell mer more cus der funni

    jaja i think dirty jokes r funni...LOL

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "I really do not appreciate such humor. I would prefer you refrain from making such jokes."

    Sadly, however, you can only control your OWN behavior, you cannot control someone ELSE's behavior. So, even though you have politely asked them to stop, you cannot force them to (unless it is harassment in a business environment).

    If the person continues to tell dirty jokes after you have asked them to refrain, then do your best to remove yourself PHYSICALLY from the situation. Simply walk away from the person, regardless of what part of the joke they are telling. Don't be afraid of being rude to a rude person! You don't even have to "excuse" yourself.... simply walk out. Give NO reactions to them whatsoever. ANY sort of reaction is a form of "reward" to their bad behavior. Giving NO reaction gives NO reward, and hopefully, they will get the message that dirty jokes don't work anymore, and will stop.

    If you cannot physically remove yourself, then completely go DEAF on them, as if they are not speaking at all. Only re-engage them when they have moved on to an acceptable subject. Again... NO reaction.


    Have a polite day.

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