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Democrats to American Commuters: Ride a Bike?

Please tell me this is not their answer to the crisis we find ourselves in?

Has it dawned on them that maybe we should stop ignorantly spending taxpayer money instead of telling Americans to simply ride a bike?

This poor country....

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You forgot Obama's answer to the energy crisis is to inflate our tires properly....... the man is not only a fraud he is clueless

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    This is kind of a debate on many bike forums, many swears up and down that it is like running with scissors when listening to music when riding and some would say its perfectly OK. Make your own judgment: If you feel in control and aware of your surroundings, by all means. If you are partially not sure, or in a new route/environment then no. My own rule: In traffic, even in my common commute, I would not wear it so I can hear cars. Definitely not in an urban environment, but OK in my own neighborhood. In a bike path or MUT, and riding casually would be OK. On a hard/fast ride, no. Because of the effort and wind noise. Riding with others? No, especially in a group ride when needing to talk to people. Spinning class and home trainer? Definitely Yes.

  • 1 decade ago

    haha, yeah seriously! It's a joke.

    I was sitting at ONE stop light the other day for 20 minutes. It's one of the worst intersections in Cincinnati. The lights are timed poorly so during lunch time and rush hour, you could be stopped in this one intersection for a long time. I think that's a huge problem they should look at. Idling your car for that long because of the lights being timed poorly is a huge problem...more so than the tire thing (which isn't really a problem haha). Isn't that the governments job...the Dept. of Transportation is in charge of the roads and lights and stuff. Maybe they should be looking at that instead if they wanna try their hand at making any sense. :P

    Obama's plan for everything is a joke.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is actually a very good answer.

    Americans are refusing to make even minor sacrifices to save gas, and then they complain when gas is too expensive and they want the government to bail them out. I don't think so.

    If everyone rode bikes when they had to go a mile or less, we would save a lot more gas than we could get by drilling here or there along the coast or in Alaska.

  • akgirl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    When they stop flying around in their private jets, I'll be more apt to listen to them. What politicians fail to understand is that people are moved to action by example, show them you are serious about something and they are more apt to accept some belt tightening.

    Before I grab my bike however, I want to see Obama traversing the Alaskan landscape in snow drifts and negative temps. Then, we'll talk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't forget, they also want us to have our cars tuned up and make sure our tires are properly inflated!!!

    Source(s): Hello my friend!!!
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