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Reagan/Lincoln quote-- do you agree?

Ronald Reagan gave a quote of Abraham Lincoln's at the Republican National Convention in 1993. These words make perfect sense to me. Do you agree? Disagree? .. and why?

"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves."


1992 Convention...not 1993.

Update 2:

Lincoln quotes:

Here ya go--

Update 3:

Boetcker was credited with his statements on the leaflet, but their proximity in print to one real quote by Lincoln, plus the title of the leaflet, led people to think that Lincoln had said the ten listed statements. They were repeated in many printed sources, and are still regarded by many as authentic Lincoln quotes.

On a side note: You never answered the question. Which was the point of the post, correct?

Update 4:

How can you ignore one of the biggest economic booms of all time during Reagan and the Republican controlled congress tenure?

Even Democrats voted for Reagan, one of our most popular presidents!

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree - as to most conservatives, who believe that equality is best achieved by affording opportunities that allow you to improve your situation. The Democrats believe the opposite - "tax the rich, feed the poor, until there are no rich no more." I guess the poor don't eat then.

  • 5 years ago

    Number 1

  • Laura
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Great quote by – William J. H. Boetcker, The Industrial Decalogue

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YOUR source clearly says that Lincoln did NOT say that !!!!

    go see for yourself

    that link actually says that quote is Not something Lincoln ever said.

    your source gives credit to : Reverend William J.H. Boetcker

    Now your lying - No source gives Lincoln credit for those quotes ! pants on fire missy

    fact : Clinton was President during better economic times than Reagan

    After eight years of Failed bush economic policies why are you bringing up Reagan ?


    okay, sure - I see your point

    I like the old saying about "teaching a man to fish" more

    and.. no need to tell me about Regan, I voted for him.

    Regan would be disgusted by the current administration.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lincoln never said that. It was William J. H. Boetcker.

    As the page itself says, the quote is often attributed to Lincoln, but I don't why people'd fall for it. It falls outside the political philosophy of Lincoln.

    The quote comes from Boetcker's pamphlet The Ten Cannots published in 1916.

    If you thumb down before you are a fool. But not a surprising fool.

    Edit: The only part that Lincoln might have said was the first line...back way from the Lincoln thing, it's a lie. In order to answer the question, the question has to be deemed sound. There are true elements to the quote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    But this is gibberish to the Far Left mind. They know no other way than being kept, than forcing others to work for their comfort.

    There was a video game done somewhere awhile back in which players earned money. Some people did better than others in the game and earned more than others. When the game was finished those who had earned less were given the option of spending some of their money in order to take away all the money that better players had earned. Note: the bad players didn't get to keep the money they took, the better players just lost it. Those who described themselves as "liberal" or "leftist" were much more likely to _lose_ money in order to make higher achievers poorer than those who described themselves as "conservative" or "rightist".

    To these people slavery means them having to take care of themselves; that they force others to work for their comfort-- IOW, involuntary servitude-- is never a problem.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can not do allot of things.

    You also cannot build an economy soley on the ability to provide supply either . There for you need a demand. That demand also should have the available resources to pay for that supply.

    Do not tear apart the middle class or build an economy soley on Wall Street.

    Companies in order to do business in and with the US should be forced to supply more than there product to the US. like jobs, good paying jobs with benefits.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Reaganomics and trickle down economics was a straight up joke. Trickle down economics is a honor code system and it didn't bring as much money as trickle up economics. The big businesses did not hire more people, they simply kept the money for themselves. Giving the money to the citizens proved more effective because it was spent in america instead of hoarding it in a swiss bank accounts.

  • 1 decade ago


    You're Sloppy, and your logic makes no sense.

    Your hyperlink says Lincoln did not say those things. The heading for that sections is:

    "Ten Cannots That Lincoln Did Not Write:"

    And now you're saying it WAS his words because other believe it to be authentic, even though you know that it was attributed to him by mistake.

    Why don't YOU tell me why this makes perfect sense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO I DO NOT I agree with what the Bible has to say about that - The Republican Elite " have feet made of Clay'' they are top heavy with their wealth made from the slave wage labor of others .


    Reagan was disgusting

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