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Hillary Supporters- Why support McCain?

Donald Trump, a Hillary Clinton supporter, announced to Larry King Live that he is now supporting McCain.

I'm just curious how one goes from supporting Clinton to supporting McCain and why? Is there some major issue with Obama that is concerning you? Did McCain do something to convince you to support him instead of Obama?

Just curious of people's just seems odd that someone would go from supporting Hillary to supporting McCain.


Venom, I'm not mad about it, I am supporting McCain, just curious about people's opinions.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hillary is a moderate and so is McCain. It's not that much of a stretch.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you look at both Hillary and Obama experience. There is no way Obama can even come close to what Hillary had to offer.

    Obama may say a lot and have all these ideas, but i just don't think when he gets right down to it, he will actually do anything.

    He flip flops too much and he has questionable friends.

    McCain has way more experience. You know exactly where McCain stands. He doesn't change his mind and keeps flip/flopping.

    Obama will raise taxes and right now with such a fragile economy, it will ruin the United States. You would think he'd realize that. He says that he'll raise taxes on the rich, well if you tax the companies and the rich, it will trickle down to all the employees.

    If your company doesn't have money, do you think you'll get a raise? No, you'll probably get laid off.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a question I've wanted to know the answer to for a long time. Hillary supporters are too ignorant and/or racist to realize that a vote for McCain is an insult to Clinton, not just Obama. I'm one of the few Hillary supporters with common sense.

    Source(s): common sense
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think people just are not getting it. It really does not matter what is behind the movement to the Independent party or the fact that McCain will receive many democratic votes but the fact that the movement is significant and real. A majority of the disenfranchised were longtime, established dems, not a part of today's youth who would be more likely to vote based on emotion and not relevant facts as demonstrated in the primaries. We are the individuals who have supported the party for years not only with our vote but tax dollars as well. I know that I do not wish to pay more taxes to aide another country when there are obvious economic problems within our own country!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No serious Clinton supporter would EVER support McCain. That's just something McCain supporters say to try convincing other Hillary supporters to back him. There is nothing about McBush or Failin that appeals to anything a Hillary supporter appreciates. I doubt Moneybags Trump ever really wanted Hillary in there, he wanted McBush to help him keep even more of his money.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please don't get mad at me.

    Hillary is a very opiniated women, sometimes a bit harsh too. She also dropped out. One of my teachers even said that she stole from the white house when her husband was president. Besides, McCain has a lot of experience. I used to support Obama, but now I mostly support McCain. He stayed for five years in vietnamese prison camp during the war. He is also old which gives him sage wisdom. And he seems do be a nice guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All the intelligent Clinton supporters are voting for McCain,Obama has no experience with anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's because McCain is a centrist, he is not as far right conservative as people think he is - he's actually one of the most liberal people to call themselves a Republican. Obama is very far left, and one of Hillary's huge supporters is now voting McCain even though Hillary is obviously supportive of Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people are uncomfortable with a non-white president. In PA for example, a lot of voters surveyed said they would not vote for a non-white president regardless of party affiliation. A black man this close to being president is uncharted territory for us as a nation. Unfortunately the media has portrayed African Americans so negatively (i.e. the local media always finds the most ill spoken un-educated black person who witnessed an event) which leads to stereotypes and racism that will probably ruin Obama's chances.

    Another item to bear in mind is the demographic of people who commonly vote. Black people historically don't vote, and the majority of voters are white senior citizens. Senior citizens of the tail end of the Jim Crow America.

    Donald Trump knows this and switched just so he can be associated with the winning side.

    As sad as it is, skin color is still a big issue in life.

    Listed below is one of many polls

  • 1 decade ago

    Politics is a very personal issue with a lot of people. It could be anything from race to religion or the color of his tie. But maybe...just maybe.. Mr Trump doesn't like Mr Obamas politics.

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