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Attention Ski Instructors! What are your job benefits?
Our ski area is freaking out over declining customer visits and is trying to make up for lost revenue however they can. At our returning instructor meeting this weekend we were told that we were going to have to buy a "personal pass" if we wanted to ski while not in a lesson, and that we would no longer have the Family Pass benefit that some of us long-timers have earned through our years of service.
Now they're saying that we have to earn points through hours worked and we can apply those points towards benefits. I did the math and no part-time employee can earn enough points to get these benefits.
One thing our GM said multiple times is that this is how other ski areas do this and that no one gets these types of benefits anymore.
We get paid about minimum wage, so it isn't like any of us are doing this for the money. We barely make enough to cover PSIA dues and gas. In fact, last year I probably didn't even break even. But because of my years of service my kid has always been able to ski free, so that's why I do this.
Tell me what benefits you get being a part-time certified instructor, or what benefits you've lost in the last few years due to industry decline. Thanks!
4 Answers
- Jim WLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
The areas I teach for have cut back on our benefits a great deal since the new policies have limited the dependent passes, restricted some areas we can ski on the weekends in prime season, and have cut the amount of premium for sold and taught private lessons. What I received last season was 5 day passes, and my season pass, loan of the uniform, some training that really failed to meet advancing standards, a place to keep my gear overnight and a paycheck every 2 weeks. All of this and a $1/hr bonus at the end of the season. I taught over 300 hours as a full time instructor and did get some good runs in. Teaching for the area, I get a season pass for about $5. 10 years ago, at a concession school, I would buy the pass for $20, and dependents about $40.
This sounds like time to get together with some like minded instructors and discuss the issue. Discuss this among yourselves and be prepared to hang together. In unity there is strength.
- pctorabLv 41 decade ago
As far as I've heard, pretty much all instructors get unlimited free skiing at the very least. I also got a discount on food, free waxing and tuning, and free clinics, and I worked at a really lousy ski area. If I were you, I'd just quit and work somewhere else, if there are any other areas near you. Ski instructors make pretty much nothing as is, and if I hadn't gotten any benefits, I would have just bought a season pass and not dealt with annoying customers.
- Harry ButtcrackLv 71 decade ago
Wow, no free skiing? What a cheap resort, how about naming it? You are right though, what you make over the winter doesn't even pay for next years' courses. I guess the perks are slowly being eaten up by the bean counters. Take heart in the fact that you are helping people do something that you love.
Source(s): Long time instructor/coach - 1 decade ago
Being a ski instructor would be great b/c they are basically skiing for free in beautiful resorts all day.