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  • What types of benefits do other ski areas provide for instructors?

    For the past 16 years that I've been a ski instructor we've been given a locker room and some variations of pass packages depending on our work hours from the previous season. We could earn anything from a few lift tickets to a full family pass. Most of us worked there for the passes so that our kids could ski free. New owners this year and they've eliminated the pass benefit. I'm wondering if the family pass is a common ski instructor benefit or if it is more common to NOT have a benefit like that. What does your ski area provide for you? Discounts? Freebies? Lockers? Parking? Has your ski area ever had to eliminate the family pass during hard times, and if so, did you lose employees?

    5 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago
  • Attention Ski Instructors! What are your job benefits?

    Our ski area is freaking out over declining customer visits and is trying to make up for lost revenue however they can. At our returning instructor meeting this weekend we were told that we were going to have to buy a "personal pass" if we wanted to ski while not in a lesson, and that we would no longer have the Family Pass benefit that some of us long-timers have earned through our years of service.

    Now they're saying that we have to earn points through hours worked and we can apply those points towards benefits. I did the math and no part-time employee can earn enough points to get these benefits.

    One thing our GM said multiple times is that this is how other ski areas do this and that no one gets these types of benefits anymore.

    We get paid about minimum wage, so it isn't like any of us are doing this for the money. We barely make enough to cover PSIA dues and gas. In fact, last year I probably didn't even break even. But because of my years of service my kid has always been able to ski free, so that's why I do this.

    Tell me what benefits you get being a part-time certified instructor, or what benefits you've lost in the last few years due to industry decline. Thanks!

    4 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago
  • Tak and the Power of Juju How to get to the spirit realm (Gamecube)?

    I know Lok's spirit is somewhere in the spirit realm , but I have no idea how to get into the spirit realm. I have tried collecting spirits from Nerbels but Jibalba won't tell me how to get into the spirit realm. Anyone know? (Gamecube)

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago