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For those who didn't conceive until after 1 year.?

Just curious how long after the 1 year mark did you finally conceive your baby?

Did it happen 'naturally' or did you end up having to go on meds and/or see a fertility specialist in order to conceive?

DH and I reached the 'one year' mark of ttc....still no baby...and from what I have read, our chances are not good to conceive naturally (only 5% conceive within the next year).

We are seeing a specialist at this point but our first IUI failed.

Thanks for any hope/insight or explanation of your situations.

Best of luck to everyone. :)


Swt-Blu and others-- congrats on finally conceiving...that is wonderful news for you guys. :)

I should add that DH does have a mild male factor issue -- poor morphology so that is more than likely the reason we are taking so long to conceive.

I hope we are lucky enough to be in the 5%...we too have done the 'relax' thing but it still doesn't work for us. :(

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My husband and i had been having unprotected sex for over a year... about 13 or 14mos i guess and i got pregnant in July. We conceived naturally. But we do have another child, he's 4yrs old... I would just get tested to see if you guys are both fertile, if you are then i would just go on doing it the natural way... Good luck.

    Source(s): Mom of one and one on the way
  • 1 decade ago

    My first pregnancy a miscarriage. My second pregnancy ectopic. Dr's told me I had a slim chance of ever conceiving again. A year later no baby. Took Chlomid. Bam! we conceived the first month! But wow, that stuff was hard on me, it was like super duper way out of control PMS good thing it only took once. When my daughter was 12 months I learned I was pregnant again. So I had two babies about 20 months apart. Then I got pregnant 4 more times after that. My oldest daughter is 19 this year. She is the chlomid baby. All the others just happened. All with just one fallopian tube. My youngest just turned four. Now, how nice is that? Just be careful not to compare yourself to anyone else. Our stories, our bodies, and our health are all different. Just relax, if you cannot conceive, there is still a baby out there for you. A baby who needs a mommy, a baby who will come home from the hospital with you and always be yours.

    One more story. My friend Monica couldn't get pregnant for anything. 7 years they tried everything. Never happend. They went into foster parenting, and their foster daughters mother went to jail and the court determined that permanent custody could be given to a family other than the mother, and the foster parents had first crack at it. So they adopted their foster daughter. Then, she found out she was pregnant. 2 weeks before the adoption was final, the county called up and said that the mother had yet another baby and that she was not going to be allowed to have custody of that baby either and they wanted to keep the siblings together, so the asked them if they wanted their new daughter's baby brother. They said yes, and within one year they had three children to love and hold and raise and have joy.

    There is a happy ending for everyone who deserves it. Good luck and God Bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    It took me two miscarriages and almost 3 years to get to this pregnancy, I'm currently 15 wk (I have never gotten this far before) pregnancies were all about 12 months apart. My twin sister had her first very young and then tried for two years for her second (she also saw a specialist but conceived naturally before anything was done), she is now 14 weeks pg with her third (unplanned).

    I guess what I'm trying to say is stick with'll happen when it's time. I understand how sad and frustrating the ttc process can be and wish you all the best. I hope that you get there eventually but have a sneaky feeling that it'll happen when you least expect it xx

    "The scientific evidence is scarce, but when you are stressed, when love making is on 'schedule,' there is some data to show that hormones may be affected, and that in turn could influence conception," says Goldstein.

    "In a study conducted at Harvard Medical School on 184 women with fertility problems, 55% of those who completed a 10-week course of relaxation training, and stress reduction had a viable pregnancy within one year, compared with just 20% of the group who had no stress reduction training."

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    For those who didn't conceive until after 1 year.?

    Just curious how long after the 1 year mark did you finally conceive your baby?

    Source(s): conceive 1 year:
  • 1 decade ago

    We *finally* naturally conceived after a year of trying but only until we stopped trying and actually thought to plan things out bit better! (A bit too late for that since I ended up pregnant then!) I read every article on how to lay or what options were out there. If you are having a bit of a problem with IUI, try to look deeper; many failed conceptions occur because of minor (sometimes odd) things that the body lacks and only few docs know to look for them.

    Keep an open mind and even though I have a child, there are many out there who don't have people who love them (or can't provide) and I know adoption is in my future and so may be surrogacy. But I understand, just keep an open heart and mind, stick in there, you*ll have your answer soon enough!

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I got pregnant twice in the first five months of our marriage. The first ended in a miscarriage; the second in a ectopic pregnancy. It took us 16 months to become pregnant again. We saw a fertility specialist after 12 months of trying, but were told that we had not been trying long enough. He refused to do anything except test my husband's sperm count (because my husband was 38 at the time). The test came out fine and we were told to just keep trying.

    I got so discouraged. In my mind, if the doctor was saying that nothing was wrong with my husband, then the problem must lie with me. I told my husband that I was sure we would just never have kids and that I was done trying. I stopped tracking my cycles and got off of the prenatal vitamins that I had been taking "just in case". Two months after we gave up, we conceived. Since then, I have worried every day that something will go wrong, but we are 38 weeks with our first now. It can definitely still happen 'naturally'. Good luck.

    Wishing you lots of baby dust!

    Source(s): 38 weeks with #1
  • 5 years ago

    Infertility, like any disease, is simply a sign that something is not right inside the body and must be fixed. How to reverse infertility

    I have worked with a lot of women on this issue, and have seen very few health related problems that cause such pain and anxiety as wanting to have a child and not being able to. The good news is that all the women who I have worked with who have changed diet and lifestyle factors have eventually conceived.

  • 5 years ago

    The first thing you must know is if you want to save your marriage and if you find yourself alone in this desire, waiting for the other spouse to make the first move is the beginning of the end. Learn here

    If you are looking for someone to blame or someone else to put the emotional and physical work into saving the marriage, again, it's going to fail.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have a glass of wine with dinner, relax, and remember why you love each other. When you stop trying to make a baby and just make love, the little ones come. They don't want you to get too complacent.

    Source(s): Mother of 3, grandmother of 7+ one more comming. My middle daughter has been trying for about 5 yrs, surprise!
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