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Traveling and giving solids to my 7 month old?

Each of the next two weekends we are flying out of town with my 7 month old son to visit family. One time will be with my husband and the next will be just me and my son. 3 of the 4 flights coincide with a time when I usually give my son solid food. He has been eating solids for about 2 months now and eats two huge meals of them (today for lunch he ate a large serving of oatmeal, a 4 oz jar of pears, and about 2 oz of mango). The process is really messy and he always tries to grab the spoon and feed himself which makes it even more messy. My question is, during those flights can we skip the solids and just nurse him? Will he miss them since he is eating so much? Should I change the timing around of when I offer them or will this confuse him? We will be trying to keep the same nap schedule and everything else while we are away. What have you done when traveling with your 6-8 month old who is eating solids but not yet less messy finger foods like cheerios?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    id switch the nursing and solid foods long as hes getting them sometime during the day.. i think he'd be okay and not really know the difference. i would try to stick to a nap routine as best as possible..sometimes though.. you just cant when traveling.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with # 1. You may want to pick up one of the feeder bottles..they actually have bottles that you put jar food into and the baby can suck it like a bottle. I don't usually like those but if he just has to eat and if you find nursing is not cutting it, then that would be a LESS messy option, than using the spoon. Or just go ahead and feed him the food and bring extra clothes on board! :P I would make sure you bring the food wtih you just in case. you'd hate to be stuck on a plane with a screaming baby that you can't console, and the other passengers would not like it either, so bring some just in case.... Hope that helps. Also what about bananas, or Go Gurt yogurts...those are not too messy no spoons needed.... just an idea

    Source(s): Mommy X 6
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We traveled alot when our son was that young. We just skipped his solids. He did miss them sometimes we just nursed him more often. Be prepared for his schedule to be messed up. Everything is new to him and sometimes it stresses them out so just try to keep it as normal as possible and don't get too stressed.

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