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  • We need a sibling name that goes with Elliot Skyler (our first born)?

    We dont know if we are having another boy or a girl. We hate trendy/common (top 100) names as well as weirdo names no one has ever heard of.

    We are thinking maybe Eden for a girl but have no ideas for a boy and aren't even sure if we want Eden because it will start a trend of "E" names. We just have it left over from if my son was a girl.

    Any suggestions for not common, but not weird names that go with Elliot?

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Phil and Teds or Double-Bob?

    I am expecting my second child and starting to think about what double stroller we should go with. For my son, we mostly use his Maclaren Quest but we also have a Britax Vigour (that his Britax infant carseat clipped on). My son will only be 23 months when the new baby is born so we'll definately need a double stroller. I am thinking we'll need one that an infant carseat can clip on (we'll probably have to get a new infant carseat as the Britax one is not compatable with anything but Britax strollers). Can anyone tell me which is a better option between a Phil and Teds or a Bob Dualie for a toddler and a newborn? I'm a stay at home mom who'd be taking the stroller shopping, on errands, to the park, and for walks (maybe light jogging?). We live near Boston MA so we do have snowy winters.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Will my second baby also come at 37 weeks?

    My water broke with my son at 36 weeks and 5 days and I delivered him at 37 weeks. I know this is considered full term, but it still seems on the early side. He was a fully-cooked 8 lbs 5 oz. Do you think my chances are high that I will deliver my second baby around 37 weeks or is there really no way of knowing and it is all random? I was just wondering if women tend to carry pregnancies for about the same time (i.e. always on the early side or always have to be induced at 42 weeks etc.)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my 15 month old sleeping too long?

    My son is 15 months old. For the last 6 days he's had a cold with a runny nose and cough. For the last 5 days, he has slept excessively (like 15-18 hours a day) and he normally sleeps 13 or 14 max. He has also barely eaten anything. He will drink milk and maybe a couple blueberries or grapes and a cracker or two. Yesterday I was able to get about 3 oz of yogurt into him. I mean, I feel like he's probably losing wight at this point. It's almost 6 pm and he's on his third nap today and has been down since 3:30. He usually eats dinner at 5 and bedtime is at 7/7:30. Should I wake him up to try and feed him or just let him sleep as long as he needs since he is sick? By the way, he had his 15 month check-up yesterday and the doctor said his ears did look like there was fluid in them but since he had no fever and is sleeping well (past ear infections, he would rather scream than sleep!) that we should wait on antibiotics for now.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • If breastfeeding, how do you introduce whole cows milk at 1 year?

    My son is about 11.5 months old and drinks water out of his sippy cup pretty well, although not a lot at a time. I am still nursing him 3 times a day. I want to wean him off nursing (at least 2 of the 3 sessions) at 1 year and am not sure if I should pump and mix my milk with cows milk or can I just give him cows milk straight in his sippy? Do you think he'll drink enough? Should I start giving him milk with his meals instead of water to make sure he drinks enough? And do you have to warm up the sippy of milk or do you think he'll drink it cold?

    I know you guys don't know my son but I am basically wondering if your kids took straight cows milk without a fuss, if they were able to drink enough out of a sippy cup without needing to use a bottle for a while first, and if you had to warm the milk to get them to drink it.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you feed your 10-12 month old?

    Are you still doing purees? Or is it mostly finger food? If so, do you just feed them exactly what you eat only cut into bite-sized pieces, or do you prepare seperate meals for them?

    Besides bite-sized veggies, soft fruits, crackers, bread, and pasta, and bite sized pieces of meat, what do your babies like to eat? Are you still really avoiding salt or do they end up eating what you make for yourself which probably has salt in it?

    Sorry so many questions. I'm just wondering how creative I can be with my 11 month old son. I think he's bored of frozen peas and pieces of whole grain bread and tasteless boiled chicken. He seems to love BBQ ribs and meatballs. Is that bad?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when did you stop boiling water for your baby to drink?

    for use in a sippy cup or mixing with cereal or the occaisional (very infrequent) bottle of formula? My son is breastfed plus lots of solids. He's 9 months old. I tried this past week to give him just filtered water in his sippy cup and for mixing with his oatmeal, but he had very soft poop which almost squished out the sides of his diaper (hasn't happened since he had solid food). Do some babies still need sterilized water at this age? Or maybe there is another reason for the crazy diapers.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • why do some clementine oranges have tons of seeds and others have none?

    This is the case within the same crate! Other than that, all of them look the same.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • question about breastfeeding my 9 month old?

    The pediatrician told us to feed him solids until he didn't want anymore and then offer the breast from 6 months on (in that specific order). He always filled up completely on solid food and never wanted to nurse afterwards so he effectively dropped a feeding every time I introduced a meal of solids. By 8 months old, he began sleeping through the night and stopped his 2, maybe 3 nursing sessions in the middle of the night. Also, at 8 months old, I added in a third meal of solids. So for the last month he has only nursed upon waking, once in the afternoon around 3-3:30 and then he gets a bottle of pumped milk (5-7 oz) before bed around 7. The pediatrician said that breastmilk 3 times a day was fine. For the last week, my son has not wanted to nurse in the afternoon. I can tell he is hungry and needing a snack. He eats lunch around 11 and dinner at 5 so he obviously can't go 6 hours without eating. So today I tried breastfeeding him when he acted hungry around 3. He refused. I made a bottle of formula (we have some in the house for road trips and when I can't pump enough for his bedtime bottle...but it is rarely used) and he took a few sucks and refused that too. So then I sat him in his high chair and he ate 4 oz of fruit puree and a whole bunch of Earths Best Crunchin Crackers and drank water from his sippy cup. Is he self weaning yet another nursing session? It seems that he really prefers solid food to breastmilk (or formula). I know I can't just let him only eat solids. My supply is so down right now I can only pump like 4 oz at night when I used to get 7oz. What should I do to get him either more interested in nursing or willing to at least take formula from a bottle (he's a high maintenance baby and I can't spend the time pumping that I'd need to in order to give him all his milk in a bottle and to increase my supply)

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How can I detach the legs of my Leap Frog Learn and Groove Musical Table?

    The instruction manual tells how to attach them. I am pulling really hard and they wont come off. Is there some trick I am not seeing? My 9 month old son would be able to play with it by himself (without me having to spot him) if I could just get the legs off! I was already on the phone (on hold) too long with their customer service

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What types of cheese are okay for 8-12 month olds?

    We have just introduced whole milk yogurt for my son and he seems to be fine with dairy. I'd like to try some cheese. What types are best? For instance, does cheddar have too much salt or fat? Are cheeses like swiss too hard? Is ricotta good or is that unpasturized? Cottage cheese? Cream cheese?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Strange breastfeeding/pumping question?

    So I just pumped like I do every night. My husband feeds our son my milk in a bottle before bed. Tonights milk will be for tomorrow night. Well, when I went in the kitchen with my two bottles, I noticed one of them looked normal while the other looked like strawberry milk! At first we were baffled. Then I checked myself out and saw one of my nipples is bleeding (son has 8 teeth currently and I have just learned to put up with some biting). Husband thinks I should dump the 3 oz out that are mixed with blood. I feel like losing 3 oz is such a waste and the blood wont harm my son. Should we keep it or not?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • how many times a day do you nurse your 8 month old?

    My son loves solid food and barely ever asks to nurse. It is usually me offering. Sometimes he only nurses 3 times a day but usually it is more like 4 or 5 times a day. Is this enough? He doesn't get any formula, but eats 3 rather large meals of solid food and drinks 3-5 oz of water throughout the day. I should add, we have not been giving him meat/poultry or beans or dairy yet (doctors recommendation to wait until 9 months). So he is just having cereal, fruits and veggies along with crackers.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When did you add a third meal of solids for your baby?

    My son is 7 months and eats two meals of solid food a day. For lunch he has maybe 1/3 cup of oatmeal cereal and 4 oz of fruit puree. For dinner he has 4 oz of veggie puree and 2-4 oz of fruit. He also practices self feeding with Gerber Puffs and whole wheat toast sticks. When should I add in a third meal of solids in the morning?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you do when you know your baby needs a nap but they won't go down?

    My 7 month old son sometimes just cries when I try to put him down for a nap (after he's acted very tired by burying his head in my shoudler and rubbing his eyes). I have resorted to nursing him even if he just ate an hour before because this works 100% of the time. I know this is a bad habit. What do you guys do when your baby isn't going down easily for a nap?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When people use the term "troll" in a negative way, what does it mean?

    Specifically, like I know "doofus" would mean the person is not smart or "freak" would mean the person was weird (sorry for the lack of good examples). But I just don't understand why the term "troll" comes up on Yahoo Answers so frequently when I have never heard it used in real life. Please explain. Thanks.

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Traveling and giving solids to my 7 month old?

    Each of the next two weekends we are flying out of town with my 7 month old son to visit family. One time will be with my husband and the next will be just me and my son. 3 of the 4 flights coincide with a time when I usually give my son solid food. He has been eating solids for about 2 months now and eats two huge meals of them (today for lunch he ate a large serving of oatmeal, a 4 oz jar of pears, and about 2 oz of mango). The process is really messy and he always tries to grab the spoon and feed himself which makes it even more messy. My question is, during those flights can we skip the solids and just nurse him? Will he miss them since he is eating so much? Should I change the timing around of when I offer them or will this confuse him? We will be trying to keep the same nap schedule and everything else while we are away. What have you done when traveling with your 6-8 month old who is eating solids but not yet less messy finger foods like cheerios?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How old was your baby when he/she rolled from back to tummy?

    My 7 month old son still hasn't rolled from his back to his tummy. He rolled from tummy to back at 5 months and does it all the time. Do some kids just hate being on their tummy so much, they have no motivation to roll onto it? He also still loves being swaddled for all naps and at night and will not go to sleep without it. Could this be delaying him since he can't use his arms or legs to roll over in his sleep?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is causing my 7 month old to have hot red cheeks?

    We took his temp and it is only 99.4, not too high. We took a walk today and it was windy and cold. He was in a sweater/hat/fleece and in a Bundle Me in his stroller. I am wondering if his cheeks could be bright red because he got wind burned? Also, he is teething (gums are swollen and teeth are about to break through any day). Could he get really flushed cheeks from teething? Or is he red from his slight fever? The other possibility is, he tried Gerber Organic Strawberries and Apples today for the first time. I have read that you should wait on strawberries but figured that Gerber wouldn't make it into a stage 2 food if it was so bad. Do you think red flushed cheeks can be an allergic reaction? So what is the most likely cause?

    wind burn?



    allergic reaction to strawberries?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What age do you give cubed bread, toast sticks, crackers, cheerios etc.?

    My son is just about 7 months old. He has had most of the recommended fruits and vegetables. I know his doctor said no meat or dairy before 8.5/9 months. But when do you start letting them nibble on (for instance) a stick of whole wheat toast, or Cheerios? My son can rake things like this up in his fist, but does not use his thumb and forefinger yet.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago