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Definitions of ATV tire sizing?

I need to know what the sizes mean on ATV tires. I have specs for 26 X 11 X 12 (front) and 26 X 10.5 X 12 (rear). What do these numbers mean and how much leeway is there in sizing?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Use the Howdy principle to determine ATV tire sizes...

    H - Height, W - Width, D - Diameter

    A 26x11x12 tire has a height of 26 inches, a bead width of 11 inches, and a rim diameter of 12 inches. The leeway in sizing is for height only, meaning you can get taller or lower profile tires (the first number) but you cannot substitute a different width or rim diameter tire on the same rim.

    True, you can mount a tire of the wrong width on a rim and get it to seat the bead, and it will hold air for a while, but it's dangerous and eventually the bead will break loose from the rim and damage to the tire, ATV, and rider will result.

    If you're wanting to mount a 10.5 inch tire on an 11 inch rim, the sidewalls will be curved inward similar to a bell curve and will not have the proper semi-circular shape necessary for a low pressure tire to operate correctly. If you weigh less than 100 pounds and never go over 10 miles per hour and never hit bumps while riding, then the tire should be okay. Otherwise, find a tire with the proper bead width or you're asking for trouble.

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    Lv 4
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  • 6 years ago

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    Definitions of ATV tire sizing?

    I need to know what the sizes mean on ATV tires. I have specs for 26 X 11 X 12 (front) and 26 X 10.5 X 12 (rear). What do these numbers mean and how much leeway is there in sizing?

    Source(s): definitions atv tire sizing:
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