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2003 dodge p/u starts cold but when it warms up the engine dies and will not restart?

Acts like fuel starvation, had the same problem with a honda and it was the main fuel injection relay. Any dodge mechanics out there that have seen or had to deal with this problem?

3 Answers

  • rick b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Last time I saw this problem it was the in tank fuel pump. Just would seize up from heat, and the fuel had cause the tank sock to collapse

    Source(s): Old Mechnic
  • 1 decade ago

    i have seen a temperature sensor cause this before and also a bad relay for the pump do it,when they get heated up they kick out,try running a pump pressure test on it after it warms up,that should tell you real quick if its the fuel pressure causing this too happen,a bad coil pack will also do the same thing,and they wont start back till they cool off,try squirting starting fluid in it when it dies and see if it starts,this will tell you if its a fuel problem or an ignition problem,good luck.

    Source(s): been a certified mechanic for 38 yrs now.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dodge Man, the lead contributor in this category is pretty good.

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