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Wiring for home theater?

Have cable in to DVR. HDMI from DVR to Toshiba TV.

Have a Sony receiver that will power a KLH home theater speaker set--latter accepts speaker wire only, no problem there as Sony receiver will use either RCA plugs or speaker wire for output.

Question is: What goes to what as far as input and output? TV to Sony, Sony to speakers? Or does DVR have a place in wiring? DVR takes only RCA plugs for input and output, as does Toshiba TV.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would invest in a new Receiver, one that you can connect the HDMI from the DVR to the receiver and then the Receiver to the TV. it would be much easier for you to add on other items later, such as a DVD or Blu ray player...Your receiver, as you describe it, has too many possbilities and trying to describe all the possible solutions would probably be confusing. has or had a good SONY 7.1 audio receiver for under $250. It has 3 HDMI inputs and all the speaker connections you need. Since you already have speakers, you should not be set back to much.

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