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What do you like/dislike about the Libertarian party?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They divide the Republican vote and contribute no bills to making life in America better. They should just vote Republican since they have more in common with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What I like is the fact that the modest conservatives and fiscal conservatives have left the far-right/Neoconservative ruled Republican party to become Libertarian. What I dislike is that the Libertarian party does not have a real platform: When you take the political test they offer at their website it always comes up that Libertarian best fits your political beliefs no matter how you answer the questions.

  • 1 decade ago


    The follow the Constitution


    Some of the libertarians are either 9/11 truthers or conspiracy theorist

    They tend to take quotes from the founding fathers out of context

  • 1 decade ago

    I love their ideas.

    I dislike that they are so unwilling to compromise. It's all or nothing with them, and because they are all individualists, there is lots of personal politics.

    I'm a Libertarian, but I recognize we didn't get where we are today in one fell swoop. It took many decades. To undo what's been done wrong won't be accomplished in one fell swoop either. But most Libertarians won't settle for that.

  • Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I dislike that a lot of them tend to be religious, and they are too stubborn to compromise on any issues. Many of them also seem to be conspiracy theorists, like with 9/11, swine flu, etc (they probably listen to Alex Jones).

    I like that they're not Republicans, and (some of them) advocate for the legalization of all drugs, though.

    Source(s): Third-party advocate
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dislike that their platform is mercurial and doesn't focus on what their name comes from, Liberty. I dislike that they do a horrible job marketing themselves because they spend so much energy on fringe issues, like legalizing pot.

    I love their intent, liberty and personal responsibility, no government control on individual lives.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find that many of them are just republicans that don't like calling themself republican. Many of them are often conspiracy theorists or believe themselves to be somehow enlightened more then others even though they don't seem to be running off of facts.

    I like some of their ideas about rights but I think it's too idealistic to have that little gov involvement. I also find it a very selfish position that cares nothing for other people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What I like :

    Their fiscal conservatism

    Their position on states rights and support of the 10th ammendment.

    I partially agree with their position on foreign policy. While I think we need to scale back our world military presence as do they.I don't think we should become completely isolationist.

    Their position to repeal the min wage.

    What I dislike:

    Their position on gay marriage.

    Their position on abortion.

    Their liberal stance on social policy.

    Legalization of Drugs.

    A completely isolationist stance on foreign policy.

    Their position to repeal income tax. As far as I'm concerned. An income tax is the only tax there should be, and the only way to tax people fairly, but it should be the same tax rate for all income levels. There should be none of this. Rich pays thirty something percent and poor pays nothing.

    God bless.

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