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LLC "Vendors" in Delaware?

Need the names of two or three reputable, reasonably priced firms in Delaware that do Limited Liability Company registrations and related filings. If possible, email addresses or phone numbers. Firms must have stable and established backgrounds, and have competitive prices for LLC registrations. Any help out there from someone who has been there and done that? Thanks.


Rec'd five answers but only two show up in toto. Some glitch in Ask, I think. I get the first sentence the when it want me to click on check out new answer, I keep getting the first two. Gaans etc, pls do private email to if you would, with your info on bbbshoe, for-finance not, and others any of you are suggesting. Thanks!!

2 Answers

  • Henry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can do it yourself by going to your states website and then to the Secretary of the State section. There you will find a one page down loadable form. Fill it out and mail it in, together with the filing fee and in about a week, you will be an LLC.

  • 1 decade ago


    You don't need to use a firm in Delaware at all, in fact you can register your firm there by using the online company registration companies like or

    If you need specialist legal advice though, you are better working with your attorney and/or tax advisor.

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