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Sarah M asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Climate change must be stopped? But why?

Experts say we have to slow down or halt climate change. But this is a natural occurrence that has been going on throughout Earth's history (including long before we humans were around or had the capacity to do damage to the ozone, etc.). Cyclic periods of warming and cooling are part of Earth's natural operation. So if we try to halt it or change it somehow, wouldn't that ultimately cause more problems long term?

Help me, experts!


No, I guess no expert could be found on Yahoo Answers, but that's quite an impressive list of sources, linlyons.

Incidentally, the most tragic part of the climate change debate (to me) is that they passed over Irena Sendler (the female Schindler) for the Nobel Prize and gave it to Al Gore.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    The atmosphere is warming .2 degrees per decade, much too rapid for species to adapt to. Already some people have been evacuated from islands due to rising sea levels, and already some villages in the arctic are having to make plans to move because their permafrost land is thawing underneath them. (This will cost billions of dollars to the U.S. tax payers when Alaskan villages are moved.)

    It is not natural and is very much unlike natural warming. It is far to fast. Never before has carbon increased in both the ocean and the air -- that cannot be natural. Also, the Stratosphere is cooling while the Troposphere warms -- that means that the source of the warming cannot be external to our system, i.e. it cannot be the sun or other astronomical sources. It is the enhanced greenhouse effect.

    Slowing down the warming would not cause more environmental problems if we do so merely by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we emit. We are changing the environment and a reduction in the rate we change it merely reduces the rate of change we have to adapt to. There is no stopping climate change at this point; we are merely choosing how much our children and grandchildren have to adapt to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Poison ivy is natural but I don't let it grow in my backyard.

    Climate cycles occur at smaller magnitude in a longer time. Species have time to adapt to them. Or not, in some cases.

    Adding carbon dioxide to the air isn't helping anything. By the natural cycles, we were due for a benign climate for about another 10,000 years. Instead we are adding heat to the top of an interglacial peak in temperature. Thus we are throwing the earth into a temperature regime that hasn't existed for 1 million years.

    Source(s): linlyon has plenty of sources above.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very true as without global warming 20,000 years ago we would never have been as successful a species when the north pole extended south of Washington DC and the South of France and Spain although the sahara desert was very green then... In any case so Global Warming was good in the past for mankind and if it ever happens it will be good again in the future for the following reasons:

    • Increased agricultural productivity & land (more rain, warmth & Co2)

    • Longer growing seasons for all plant life

    • Greening of some of the Earth's vast frozen land masses (Canada, Russia, China)

    • Increased Co2 absorption rate

    • Added habitat for wildlife

    • More bountiful food for animal life

    • Less food/energy requirements for animal life

    • Less net global energy requirement for humans

    • Less deforestation for heating fuel

    • Less cold related severe weather and death

    Edit Llinlyons says that its a fight against unnatural climate change in between natural ice age related climate change... Simple Point of fact that the medieval warm period documented 1000 years ago when the vikings moved to GREENland farmed and grew wine was warmer than it is now long before mans industrial revolution so was the medieval climate change also unnatural... no it was just like 99.99999999% of the climate change we experience today completely natural... the case for catastrophic man made climate change is completely bogus and supported by people with their hands in the green money pot!

    Further edit There is tons of scientific evidence of natural climate change between ice ages such as mini ice ages, medieval warm period, little ice ages, etc todays so called global warming falls well within the range of these past events and is just another anomaly like these other natural events between ice ages!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why, indeed! It reminds me of a wildlife documentary where the researcher and crew did nothing to stop a leopard from stalking and eating a small deer. The reasoning was that man should not interfere in the natural order of things.

    The same is true for climate change. Man can certainly play a role in mitigating those harmful things created by man, e.g., pollution. But can man change the weather cycles? Can we do anything about the fact that we are at the end of an Ice Age so glaciers are naturally going to melt. Can we do anything about the fact that another Ice Age will eventually occur? Not!

    The tides will continue to erode the shore line, mountains will continue to crumble, glaciers will continue to melt, and earthquakes will continue to redefine the boundaries and features of terra firma. Such is the unpredictability of nature that man has no control over!

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Natural cyclic changes are a part of Earth's history. These natural cyclic changes have caused what are called mass extinctions based on the speed of change and how animals are adapted to living in those changing conditions. Currently humans are burning fossil fuels emitting more heat trapping gases into the atmosphere making climate change that is not natural. In order to allow the planet to continue it's natural cyclic change unimpeded we have to stop emitting gases that would not be in the atmosphere naturally as they were taken out of that natural cycle eons ago. Creatures are adapted to living in current environmental conditions. If you change those conditions dramatically, if they are not adapted to live in those new conditions. they will perish.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Increased CO2 in the atmosphere causes an increase in the acidity of the ocean which has a negative effect on marine life. This will lead to dire consequences for the ocean food chain.

    Source(s): Scientific American.
  • 1 decade ago

    Climate change is not what they want to stop, it's human growth. Some feel that there are too many humans, they are consuming too many resources, polluting too much, growing to much and too fast and will eventually rape and pillage the Earth until nothing is left and we all die. "Sustainability" is their word and nature is their god.

    If you are American, your science adviser to President Obama, John Holdren, is one of "them". Holdren also wants to "de-develop" the United States.

    Now I'm not saying humans aren't causing problems, we are. But let's be honest about each specific problem so that the solution can be the best one available. For example reducing pollution by cutting CO2 emissions is not the best solution. Fixing my ingrown toenail by cutting off my leg is another example of a solution that would work, but is far from being the best solution.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i do no longer believe something touted via the corrupt bunch of wheeler sellers that decision themselves the United countries. The Unite States ought to withdraw from the corporate and stop investment them. Mollypitcher

  • 1 decade ago

    We don't know why it's changing. But it is a fact that it has been changing on its own without humans for billions of years.

    I agree that trying to stop global warming could be a HUGE waste of resources. We should SLOWLY stop burning oil and coal for other reasons besides global warming. Pollution,energy independence, new industries, etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The current level of "natural cycle" has increased cataracts and skin cancer per capita, globally. The current level of "natural cycle" is reducing the output of every field (including the ocean), and sterilizing more and more of every field (including the ocean).

    If we don't want to reduce population (even catastrophically), then we'd better control "natural cycle".

    Yes everything we try and do seems to cause other problems at some point "down range". Including breeding like rabbits. Which is where we are at now.

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