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How does a website know what country I"m in?
I wanted to watch an UK TV show online but when I tried to watch it I got a message saying it was not allowed in my country. Is there a way around that?
4 Answers
- quidagamusLv 77 years ago
I mostly use Firefox but sometimes Chrome. I live in the US and I don't think they block the UK. I wanted to watch the UK version of Big Brother I thought maybe since there is a US version of Big Brother there is an agreement between the shows not to broadcast in each other's country? I can access the web site. When I tried to watch a full episode I got a message that said it was not allowed in my country.
These sound like great ideas but sound a little complicated for my basic computer skills. I'm wondering if I did manage to change it I'd probably have trouble with my US sites?
- 7 years ago
your IP tells what country and region you are in. If you have static IP, you need to download a program (forgot the name) which subs your real IP with a different one (you can choose which one). Once you download it, go on internet and get one of the UK ips, place into the program and substitute it with yours, than call your internet provider and ask them to change your old IP for new static ip (the UK one) else internet wont work. once it's done you will be able to watch tv. If your provide uses dynamic IPs instead of static, you do the same except you call them and switch it to static and give them the IP.
This is regarding your exact question, however i don't think there is some thing that you can't find some where else but that UK site.
another problem would be if it is your country blocking UK ips, than the by pass will be harder to do.
- 7 years ago
Your proxy. it is a set of numbers on your browser that indicates your exact location. There are remedies to that and they vary depending on the browser you use. You will have to instal an add-on to your browser which you can download for free usually. Then, Google a proxy number used in the UK and so that you can fool the websites into thinking you live in Manchester for instance. I do not know what browser you are using, so I cannot send you the appropriate links for that, good research.
- 7 years ago
Hi quidagamus,
Try to recheck your Ip adress using I believe your IP address is pointing to your country outside UK.. eg. Singapore.
You may try IP VPN Changer -->*** to change IP address into UK country and unblock the content.
It should work nicely.
Cheers.. ;)
Source(s): Change your IP over 600+ countries and unblock content unlimited -->