Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
5 Answers
- ?Lv 75 years agoFavorite Answer
It has been like that for a week now with very few current questions to be found, not just for you but everyone.
There is something very much wrong with many questions not showing even refreshing the page. Started a week ago and has gotten worse..
The Yahoo tech team fixes things in their own unique way and time.
There are no signs they are working on fixing things and no comment on the forum from them so we can't be sure they are even aware of what is happening. .
Today questions go from minutes ago to days ago.
Once you get past the get 'Your criteria doesn't match any questions' notice Questions are jumping from hours ago to 2 .. 3 or 7 days ago so many are not being seen at all..
There are hours of questions missing. Refreshing does not fix it, they just disappear off the list.
Yours can be seen now but in an while will be gone but still show on your list.
There is a Bug Report on the forum, so we shall see if they see it and fix whatever is wrong, nothing else we can do.
- Hugo90Lv 75 years ago
There were days when you just couldn't get it to work. I suspect that many could not get on to ask anything. I know I went for several days without answering any. Yahoo is a constant mess. You would think that with all the cash they have that it would be working better.
- Anonymous5 years ago
Just the latest bug in a long line of bugs on Yahoo
- 5 years ago
Yahoo answers has been having this problem for over a week now. With holiday coming probably not many staff working on the problem.