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Anonymous asked in Dining OutIndiaLucknow · 12 months ago

are these good signs or not i’m confused ?

had an interview and all though it went pretty well i still want to know if these are good signs i might get the job. she was talking to me about how she can train me, everyone’s schedule for the day, who and who works what days, what days i would be working of the week, what attire i should have if working in the front or back of the building, how much i want to get paid or expect, everyone’s lunch schedule, if i have to put any 2 weeks notice for a previous job and stuff like that and at the end she said she will call or email me if she needs any more information from me, we were practically talking and laughing most of the time, but i was wondering if those are good signs? because the end of the interview did get me very confused with her saying she’ll call or email me for more info. it has been a week now. how long should i wait too? 

6 Answers

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    12 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Certainly not bad signs, but might or might not mean anything/

  • 8 months ago

    4 months now. Have you been hired? If not, forget the interview.

  • 8 months ago

    Hope you did give your best. no worry about the signs.

  • 12 months ago

    t4btbt bby b5hyhb5

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago


    Laughing is 1 of those good signs ha shw's

    you're really hitting it off w/ur pnial future

    Employer but don't count it in the bg jus ye!


  • 12 months ago

    If it has been a week, that means that they probably are not going to hire you sir.........

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