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How long is a good enough time to give my girlfriend space?
My girlfriend won't talk to me. I feel really bad and I want to know what's wrong but she won't say anything and has shut herself off. I haven't talked to her yet and I don't know if or when I should. She is usually really nice but these last few days she's been kind of irritable. None of her family and friends talk to me either but I haven't done anything wrong! I want to know the next course of action to take and hoping this is the right place to do it. Also should I talk to her first straightforward or ask a friend/family member of hers first?
Thanks T J but I found out the reason she won't talk to me is because she loves you. Like madly in love, dammit.
1 Answer
- ?Lv 77 months agoFavorite Answer
She has the problem, you ask her. If she freezes you out, think about ,moving on.