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I had a weird dream? Was it a ritual?

So I had a dream where I was outside on a beautiful day and really green grass, barefoot, wearing a white simple dress standing next to my mom. some other ladies were there too that I can’t remember and I don’t even think I knew them. We were all wearing white dresses and we were spinning in a circle holding a basket full of light colored petals and throwing them towards the river that we were next to. As we were throwing the petals a group of horses ran across from us (I remember one was brown and one was white) and we were all happy. I don’t understand this dream but I would like to because I woke myself up thinking that I was doing some kind of ritual by mistake. Thoughts? Thank you

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    You dreamt about a future event in heaven, in God's kingdom. White dresses represent holiness and purity. Only when white dresses are worn can women be there. The Bible also talks about white robes that will be given to everyone. The peace and the beauty of the moment represents heaven as well. The white horse, again represents righteousness and holiness, and the brown horse represents humility.

    This dream could be an indication that very soon people will be there if they are in Christ. He is coming very, very soon indeed. The tribulation period is almost here, and many will cross the bridge to their eternity. Some will go to heaven but many will end up in hell and they don't know it.

    Repent of your sins every day and tell your mom to do this too. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. That place you saw, heaven, is real. Make every effort to end up there.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    The dream is about romantic desire and means subtle signs of interest will turn into powerful signs of commitment and the person you like right now is trustworthy 

  • 1 month ago

    The horses might represent your instincts, your desires. 

  • 1 month ago

    It's a beautiful dream and one you can cherish. The Spring Equinox is today, May 20th, so your dream took you to a celebration of Mother Earth!  In some way you were alerted to the fact that Spring is near, coming around the bend, and so your mind fashioned a dream about it.  It also reminds me of the May Day Festivals, and the Maypole dances to celebrate the blossoming of Spring through nature

  • OTTO
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    At the least, there was a sense of belongingness within the circle of women. It was a spiritual dream. Perhaps a dream of your lineage of female ancestors all gathered in a place of peace.

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