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What are some ways to print your emails.?

I have a laptop, but I don't have WORD.  So I am writing some lengthy documents on my emails.  I need to print this out to proof read it as they are long and to organize the information.  What are some best ways to do this.  I don't have a printer?



4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    Did you check to see if your email software can print email directly? 

    If it can't, you should be able to copy your message and paste into almost any text editor. Then, you can use the print function in the text editor.

    A bit off topic: You might want to look into the possibility of using LibreOffice. It's free to use.  

  • 3 weeks ago

    I use "Open Office", which is a free suite that works like MS Word. It will also open .doc files you already have and you can edit them.

  • Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    uh, why not use Wordpad? it comes with every version of Windows ever...

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    You can 'print' your work as PDF files, and they'll look like they would on paper. When the printer window pops up, select PDF as your printer.

    Also, there are free alternatives to Word available such as LibreOffice, which aims to be a replacement for the Microsoft Office suite of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

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