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Anonymous asked in HealthOther - Health & Beauty · 3 weeks ago

Do I really need to shower everyday?

That's what people say but what if I just showered every other day or once a week? Would anyone notice?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    these days it's a surefire way to get people to social distance around you

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    No.  Just change your name to something like Mel "the smell" McShyte.  

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    are you male or female?

    as a male you need to shower everyday

    otherwise you will get jockitch

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    You need to do your "pits and bits" every day, but you can do that standing at the sink with a washcloth.  If it's not hot out and you have a physically sedentary job you can get away with not doing a full body scrub down every day, but it's individual how long is optimal.  Showering every day is really bad for some people.  Some people can't really leave it for more than a day while others are perfectly pleasant with only a bi-weekly full shower or bath.  It's good to have a trusted friend friend you can ask.  Btw, "bits" are genitals.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    In the winter you can get away with every other day once in a while.  But your private parts really need washed every day.

  • 3 weeks ago

    No need, unless you have a dirty/sweaty job.

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