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Which do you prefer?

1. Driving or taking the Bus

2. Dr Pepper or Pepsi 

3. Wendy’s or KFC

4. The East or the West

5. The North or the South 

6. Quebec or Alberta

7. Dora the Explorer or Ni Hao Kai Lan 


1. Love taking the Bus a lot

2. Love both a lot 

3. Love both a lot 

4. Love both 

5. Love both 

6. Love both 

7. Love both a lot 

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Driving, neither, neither, the West, both, Quebec, I'm an adult. 

  • Audrey
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Driving Pepsi Wendy's west south. Don't care a fig about 6 or 7.

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