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Got the Covid Vaccine, is this normal?

I just got the second dose of Moderna about 2 days ago. The first dose, I had barely any symptoms, but this time I was hit hard.

About 4 hours after my vaccine, I developed a lowgrade fever, chills, a headache, and extreme arm pain on my left side (where I got the vaccine). I feel better now, except I’m currently experiencing unusual symptoms that I can’t find anyone else sharing my experience online.

I currently have severe neck and arm pain on my RIGHT side (NOT the side I got the injection). I have really severe muscle aching in my upper right arm, along with the right side of my neck, and if I lay on my right side, I get this weird painful stomach heart burn feeling. 

Is this normal? Why would I be experiencing such pain on just the other side of my body? 

6 Answers

  • PR
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I have heard it can affect either side, and can also affect the lymph nodes, such as swelling. But, if you are having symptoms that worry you, then call your doctor to ask about it. 

    I had worse arm pain, low fever, restless and could not sleep. Lucky for me, aspirin helped. By the next day, I was fine.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    It's always the second dose that has the worst reaction

  • 2 weeks ago
  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Seems normal, thanks for cheering me up, I'm having the second shot of Phyzer in 2 hours.


    Update. 5 hours later still alive and ok.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Yes, it's typical to get those symptoms after the second shot. You're immune system was kicking into high gear - it's a good sign. (That doesn't mean it's not working for those who don't have symptoms, though.) 

    Hard to believe you're having trouble finding info online about this - it's everywhere. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    The second dose frequently causes reactions.  This is actually a sign that the vaccines  are working.  I was in bed for a day after my 2nd dose, and most of the places to eat in town were closed as the cooks all had reactions.  I had the low grade fever, and weakness, but no pain (except at bit at the injection site).

    The symptoms on your right side are not related from what I know.

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