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What types of benefits do other ski areas provide for instructors?
For the past 16 years that I've been a ski instructor we've been given a locker room and some variations of pass packages depending on our work hours from the previous season. We could earn anything from a few lift tickets to a full family pass. Most of us worked there for the passes so that our kids could ski free. New owners this year and they've eliminated the pass benefit. I'm wondering if the family pass is a common ski instructor benefit or if it is more common to NOT have a benefit like that. What does your ski area provide for you? Discounts? Freebies? Lockers? Parking? Has your ski area ever had to eliminate the family pass during hard times, and if so, did you lose employees?
5 Answers
- Willie DLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
At Ski-Big Bear in PA, all of our employees and volunteers get a free pass for the immediate family. Employees can get a locker for free. I suppose the Patrollers can too, but we just keep our stuff in the patrol room. Everyone gets a discount in the cafeteria and gift shop. We get waxing and tuning from the rental shop at 1/2 price ($16.) Additionally we get pretty good deals at other resorts. That varies from year to year but most of the Pocono resorts and a good many of the Catskill resorts give us anywhere from 50% off a day ticket up to a full comp when visiting. This goes for all employees, not just Ski Patrol. I went to another resort today and got a full-comp. Our resort also picks up the CPR certification fees for the Patrollers and (I'm pretty sure) will pay the PSIA certification and class fees for instructors who wish to advance (and who show an interest for working for a few years.)
When I was a volunteer instructor at Pico's Adaptive Program I got a free pass the day I volunteered and one voucher for future use. I could use it for a full comp myself or I could give it to someone as a 50% off. The comp was good at Killington, Pico, and Sugarbush. The Adaptive Program will pay for PSIA Certs for key volunteers as well. A few years ago Pico wanted to kick us out but then we showed them how much revenue we pulled in and they quickly changed their tune.
- 4 years ago
so some distance as i've got heard, rather lots all instructors get endless unfastened snowboarding no less than. I even have been given a chit on nutrition, unfastened waxing and tuning, and unfastened clinics, and that i labored at an exceptionally awful ski section. If I have been you, i could only end and artwork someplace else, if there are the different aspects close to you. Ski instructors make rather lots no longer something as is, and if I hadn't gotten any advantages, i could have only offered a season bypass and not dealt with stressful customers.
- Jim WLv 71 decade ago
Resident ski school we have a tiny locker room, our lift ticket for the season is gratis, the parking is near to the area and it's free, but no valet service. Food discounts at the cafeteria, if you can stand the SOS and dried out pizza. No discount on booze, uniform is loaned to you, discount on the family passes. The concession schools have only the parking and a discount on the season pass. Wages are dependent on your experience and certification level, minimum wage in the state is $8.55/hour. We had vouchers for lifts last season but those are gone, rumor has it someone sold some in the parking lot and got caught and was terminated for it.
Source(s): 45+ years teaching skiing. - EastCoastRiderLv 71 decade ago
If your just starting out at Bristol you get just a free pass for yourself, but once you have seniority you get 75 percent off a family pass although a lot of people are likely going to lose that privilege this year because they didn't have enough hours on the snow last year, which wasn't their fault, people weren't getting as many lessons and they hire way too many instructors